The rural community of Bompaso, Ghana is home to 600 residents who live without any access to electricity or grid connectivity. Families rely on kerosene and wood for energy, and simple tasks like charging a phone require miles of walking.
Twende Solar will be installing a solar PV system with battery storage in partnership with PACE Ghana — a Ghanaian-led nonprofit organization that has been partnering with rural communities in the Oti Region of Ghana since 2002 to improve education and health access.
The solar system will electrify the newly built Bompaso Community Center—transforming it into a hub for community electricity access for education, community gathering, healthcare and micro-enterprises.
This project is more than just electricity—it’s a foundation for access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunity.
Electricity access for 600 community members
9.4 kW rooftop solar array with battery storage
The Bompaso Community Center was constructed over the past year with support from local community members and the PACE Ghana team.
With reliable, sustainable energy, the community center will power essential community services including:
Phone charging stations
Lighting for safety and community gatherings
A dedicated student study area
Mobile library services
Health screenings
Refrigeration for community food storage and vaccines
Marketplace for micro-enterprises to sell local products
“If we have electricity, me and other women can do more business like selling ice water and soft drinks and doing more business to improve our community, support our family and our children will have a better life.”
Our Project Partner
Twende Solar is partnering with PACE Ghana (People in Action for Cultural Enrichment), a Ghanaian-led nonprofit organization that has been partnering with rural communities in the Oti Region of Ghana since 2002.