After overcoming significant hurdles with the Guatemalan customs process back in August, we're thrilled to announce that our shipping container full of solar PV equipment has cleared customs and arrived safely at the Stephen Mazujian Middle School in Siem Reap, Cambodia. 

A key part of Twende Solar's mission is to bridge the gap between renewable energy experts and energy-deficient populations. In just one week, 13 volunteers (ranging from professional solar PV designers and installers, renewable energy professors and policymakers, industry leaders and manufacturers) are traveling to Cambodia to donate their time, expertise, and brawn to electrify the academic programming at Stephan Mazujian Middle School. Paired with manufacturer partnerships and sponsorships, this is truly an industry led initiative, fueled by the passion and dedication of renewable energy leaders and advocates. 

Armed with an abundant source of electricity, the Stephen Mazujian Middle School will be able to focus its efforts and funding on its mission: educating the youth of Siem Reap. Specifically, this 26kW solar PV system will allow the school to expand its academic offerings to include a technology lab outfitted with 50 computers. Access to modern technology is extremely limited in the rural villages served by the Stephen Mazujian Middle School. With the internet and technology at their fingertips, students will be able to explore job opportunities outside of the traditional labor sector. These academic and technology enhancements will better prepare students for higher education and ultimately a prosperous future. 

Join us in emPOWERing the Stephen Mazujian Middle School.
Let's go solar, together!

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